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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tukey Bacon

If your family is like mine, they are set in their eating habits and they are brand picky. So I was pleasantly surprised when I switched out our regular pork bacon with Butterball Turkey Bacon. It was less salty tasting, wasn't greasy, and had a good flavor to it. And because it isn't full of fat, it doesn't really shrink and curl up when you cook it. (Some shrinking does occur, but not as with pork bacon.)

Butterball Turkey Bacon is available in regular and reduced sodium. We have tried both; my personal preference is the reduced sodium, but they are both good.

In my shopping around, I have found that, at least at local stores (Wal-Mart, Bi-lo, and Ingles), the price of the Butterball Turkey Bacon is comparable to other bacon products and brands, and is widely available (when it's not sold out!)

If you love bacon but aren't willing to give it up for a healthy lifestyle, give turkey bacon a try. It is not as bad as you might first think!

The 411 as listed on the packaging (Lower Sodium variety): approx. 24 slices in a 12oz. pkg.;40% less sodium and 65% less fat than USDA data for pork bacon;  Per serving facts (Serving size is 1 slice): 25 calories, 1.5 grams fat, 10 mg. cholesterol, 80 mg. sodium, 0 g. carbohydrates, 2 g. protein.

UPDATE: 1/17/2011: Today we tried  Honeysuckle White brand Smoked Turkey Bacon. It too gets a thumbs up. Price is about the same. Per Serving Facts: Serving size is 1 slice: 35 calories, 3 grams fat (1 g. saturated0, 10mg cholesterol, 140 mg. sodium, 0 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein.

PRODUCT: Turkey Bacon (we use Butterball)
PRICE: $2- $2.50
WHERE TO GET IT: Wal-Mart, Bi-lo, Ingles
Pictured: Original Turkey Bacon

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